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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Battle of the Fats

Butter vs Margarine ...

ok quick show of hands. How many of you here use Butter when baking? And how many use Margarine? Personally, I am on team Butter but i know a lot of people who prefer Margarine claiming the latter is more healthy.
Ok, let's first take a look at what these 2 fats are.

what is it?

Butter is a dairy product, Most of the time it is made from cow's milk but you can also use other mammals milk such as goats and sheep.
how is it made?

Butter is made by beating cream, the thickest, fattiest part of milk. As the cream is beaten, the fat globules begin to stick together, forcing the cream to form a solid mass of milkfat, also known as butter.

what is it?
Margarine is vegetable fat that is processed into a spread as a substitute for butter. It is made from a combination of different types of vegetable oils.
how is it made?
The vegetable oil, which is runny, has to be converted into a solid fat to make margarine. This is done by warming the oil to about 60 degrees Celsius and then bubbling hydrogen through it. Nickel is used as a catalyst for this reaction to make it happen faster.
The hydrogen reacts chemically with the oil, changing all the carbon to carbon double bonds to single bonds. This process is called hydrogenation and it raises the melting point of the oil, so that it is a solid rather than a liquid at room temperature.

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