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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Finding Success in Baking

Some of us were lucky enough to bake and cook alongside a parent or another adult when we were younger. Some may have gained baking experience through home economic classes in school. Others may have had their first baking experiences as college students away from home, or newlyweds beginning their own households.

No matter what level of experience you have in baking, one of the best ways to become a better baker is to keep baking. You have probably heard the saying "practice makes perfect" used in reference to developing skills. This saying holds true for improving baking skills. The more you bake, the better you will be at baking.

The trial and error process will be a part of finding success in baking. Always experiment using different recipes and along the way, you will find recipes that you want to add to your personal recipe collection. Sometimes it may take years before you find the "perfect" chocolate chip cookie recipe or a recipe for pie crust that is "to die for."

You might already have a collection of cookbooks at home. Maybe you have never used them. Take time to browse through your recipe books and make a note of recipes you would like to try. Public libraries offer a wide variety of cookbooks. You can even find recipes for sugar-free desserts or cultural dishes at the library.

Searching online is another easy way to find recipes. A common feature of some recipes online that can help beginning and advanced bakers is reviews. It can be helpful to see how users have rated certain recipes and sometimes user reviews include changes and improvements they made to the original posted recipes.

Sometimes finding the perfect recipe for something takes more than trying out different recipes. In some cases, you may have to take an existing recipe and tweak it until the end product becomes just what you were looking for. This is all part of the trial and error process. For some bakers, this is easier than trying out recipe after recipe. For others, this would be more difficult because baking is a science and there are reasons why certain ingredients are needed in a recipe in specific amounts.

No matter what, do not give up. Keep baking and keep experimenting with new recipes. Over time, your skills will develop and you will enjoy baking success.

Jershon Teigh enjoys articles on a variety of topics. Visit his latest website for information on novelty cake pans and their use in creating unique and memorable wedding cakes.

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